Before You Book
Kelowna’s premier 3D/4D ultrasound centreWhen Booking a First Peek: Please ensure you are at least 7 weeks along at the time of the appointment when booking a First Peek ultrasound. Before 7 weeks baby (and its heartbeat) are typically too small to see. During this appointment we will measure baby and give you an approximate gestational age, however this does not replace your medical dating ultrasound and is only for entertainment purposes.
When Booking 2D: Any time is a great time for a 2D ultrasound. Regardless of how far along you are we can always get 2D photos of baby. If booking for a gender ultrasound please ensure you are at least 17 weeks at the time of the appointment.
When Booking 3D: We suggest booking somewhere between 27-30 weeks for a 3D ultrasound. 28 weeks usually produces the best images! 3D imaging requires room for baby to move and a good amount of amniotic fluid, both of which tend to decrease further into the pregnancy. It is also important to stay well hydrated in the days leading up to your 3D appointment to help promote higher amniotic fluid levels.
Best Viewing Ages By Week
7-12 Weeks
“First Peek”
Have you recently found out you’re expecting and can’t wait to see that flicker of baby’s heartbeat? Curious if it’s twins? From looking like a grain of rice at 7 weeks, to a gummy bear at 9 weeks, then to an almost fully formed baby at 12 weeks your little one is growing and changing rapidly at this time. Every week is so different from the last!
13-16 Weeks
“Tiny Gymnast”
Hello second trimester! Baby now looks like a little person, with fully formed limbs and a recognizable profile. Usually this is still too early for mom to feel babies movements, but they are very active in there! Stretching, kicking and even sucking their thumb already, at this age they usually give quite the show. Please note this is still too early for gender determination at our studio.
17-22 Weeks
“Pink or Blue“
At Sneak a Peek we gender as early as 17 weeks. At this point the anatomy is well formed and gender can be clearly seen by our technician. Planning a gender reveal? We will discretely gender baby and seal the result in one of our little black envelopes for you to take home. We suggest 2D imaging at this time as baby is still quite small, so face pictures are not yet clear with 3D.
23-26 Weeks
“Early 3D Viewing”
This is a great time to come if you’re wanting to see more of baby’s movements as they still have lots of space. Facial features are forming, but baby is still working on putting on some weight to get those chubby cheeks that we love to see. This is also the ideal time for 3D imaging if you are having twins as they tend to run out of space quicker.
27-31 Weeks
“Best 3D Viewing”
The most ideal time to get a 3D ultrasound. Those cheeks are filling out and distinct facial features are more developed. See in detail the shape of babys nose, lips, cheeks and more. Will baby look like mom or dad? Also watch baby in live 4D to see their facial expressions, smiles, frowns and yawns. 28 weeks is our favorite time to scan!
32-36 Weeks
This is a tricky time! It is more difficult to get good face images after 32 weeks due to the lack of space. However, it is possible to get good images depending on several factors, including position of baby and amount of amniotic fluid. It is just more unpredictable at this stage and thus 3D images will no longer be guaranteed.